그루버(Groover)와 함께 새 음악을 찾는 것이 더 쉬워졌습니다.

그루버는 독립 음악가들이 음악 코디네이터들과 연결되고, 효과적으로 자신을 홍보할 수 있는 플랫폼을 제공합니다.


Groover는 독립 아티스트들을 홍보하는 데 도움을 줍니다. | ENBLE

지난 월요일, 피닉스 양조장에서 차가운 맥주를 마시며 감춰진 보석을 발견했습니다. 보스턴 출신 인디 음악가 월터 더 프로듀서가 그의 감각적인 곡으로 내 주목을 끌었습니다. 놀랍게도, 그의 음악은 내가 따르는 어떤 재생 목록에도 없었고, Spotify에서 월 평균 청취자가 150,000명 미만이었습니다. 기습적인 Shazam 검색이 없었다면, 그의 놀라운 재능을 발견하지 못했을 지도 모릅니다.

새 음악을 발견하는 여정은 최근에 게임의 일종이 되었습니다. 월터 더 프로듀서는 심지어 Spotify 아티스트 소개에서 이 현상을 풍자하며 “나를 차단하면 널 추격할 거야.” 라고 경고합니다.🔪

과거에는 재력가 음악가들이 음악을 홍보할 때 상당한 이점을 가졌습니다. 그러나 Spotify의 알고리즘 변경, 바이럴 TikTok 곡의 급부상, Pitchfork 및 Rolling Stone과 같은 음악 출판물의 전략 변화로 독립 음악가들이 인지도를 얻는 데 더 어려워졌습니다.

하지만 걱정하지 마십시오, 파리를 기반으로 한 스타트업인 Groover가 여기에 나섰습니다! Groover는 2018년에 설립된 플랫폼으로 음악을 홍보하는 데 독립 아티스트들에게 힘을 실어줍니다. 이 플랫폼은 아티스트들이 자신의 음악을 제출하고, 예외적인 것으로 여기는 곡에 피드백을 제공하고 확대할 수 있도록 하는 것이 특징입니다. 🎶

Groover의 공동 창업자 겸 CEO 인 로맹 파미에리는 플랫폼의 영감이 음악 창작의 민주화라고 공유했습니다. 음악 제작 도구에 대한 쉬운 액세스로 아티스트들은 전보다 전혀 경험해보지 못한 창의성을 발휘할 수 있게 되었습니다. 그러나 주요 과제는 여전히 효과적으로 음악을 홍보하고“`html


Q: Are there any other platforms similar to Groover that help independent musicians? A: Yes, apart from Groover, there are other platforms aiming to assist independent musicians. One notable example is GigFinesse, which provides streamlined booking and payment solutions for musicians and venues. These platforms recognize the need to support both artists and industry professionals to foster a thriving music community.

Q: How does Groover’s business model work? A: Groover’s platform allows music curators to set their own prices for reviewing and promoting songs. When an artist submits their music to a curator, half of the payment goes to the curator, and the other half goes to Groover. If a curator fails to listen to a song within seven days, the artist receives a refund. This business model ensures that curators are incentivized to actively engage with the music while providing artists with a reasonable chance to receive valuable feedback and exposure.

Q: Does Groover guarantee success for independent musicians? A: While Groover offers a more artist-friendly approach to music promotion, success is never guaranteed in the highly competitive music industry. Groover provides opportunities to connect with curators and receive constructive feedback, greatly increasing the chances of gaining exposure. However, it’s essential for artists to continuously refine their craft, engage with their audience, and explore various marketing strategies to maximize their growth potential.

Q: How can independent musicians benefit from Groover’s platform? A: Groover is designed to empower independent musicians by providing them with an avenue to promote their music and reach the right audience through curators. Additionally, the platform offers coaching and promotion resources to further support artists in their artistic journey. By leveraging Groover’s platform, independent musicians can gain valuable exposure and connect with industry professionals who can help propel their careers forward.

Future Developments and Impacts

The emergence of platforms like Groover and GigFinesse showcases a promising future for independent musicians. As technology continues to reshape the music industry, we can expect further advancements that empower artists and facilitate their success.

In the coming years, we may witness the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms into music curation platforms, allowing for more personalized and tailored recommendations. AI can analyze an individual’s listening preferences, moods, and musical characteristics to curate playlists and suggest new songs that resonate with their unique taste.

Moreover, with the rise of blockchain technology, we can anticipate a shift towards decentralized platforms where artists can maintain control over their intellectual property rights and receive fair compensation for their work. Blockchain can introduce transparency and accountability into the music industry, eliminating intermediaries and ensuring that artists receive proper recognition and payment for their creations.

As the independent music scene continues to thrive, music publications and record labels may need to adapt their strategies to remain relevant. Collaboration between traditional media outlets and emerging platforms like Groover can foster a symbiotic relationship, amplifying independent artists’ voices while providing quality music content for audiences worldwide.

In conclusion, the future of music promotion and discovery will be shaped by innovative platforms like Groover and GigFinesse. These startups are revolutionizing the way artists connect with curators, industry professionals, and fans, creating a more inclusive and artist-friendly ecosystem. Through continued technological advancements and industry collaboration, we can look forward to a vibrant future for independent musicians worldwide. 🎵

🔗 Reference Links:

  1. Discover Walter the Producer’s Song on YouTube
  2. Groover Website
  3. GigFinesse Website
  4. The Impact of AI in the Music Industry
  5. How Blockchain Is Transforming the Music Industry

If you enjoyed this article and discovered some fantastic new music through Groover, don’t keep it to yourself! Share it with your friends and fellow music lovers on social media. Let’s spread the groove and support independent musicians together! 🎉✨

Note: The original content has been modified and enhanced for a more engaging and informative reading experience.
